where shall I begin. Hmph. Chris and I started trying to conceive two years ago, we felt like we were ready. And we were excited! Here we are two years later still no baby. I have been going through test, after test to figure out what exactly was going on, and finally after a year we know! I had an MRI done back in August and the MRI showed something on my Uteras, so my OBGYN sent me to OHSU for a specialist to review my case. I waited months to meet this guy and I finally did on Tuesday. Dr. David Lee. My Hero. I have what's called a Uterine Septum. Click here to learn more. But mine is so big, it actually goes down into my cervix, and has been preventing me from even being able to conceive. So this is fantastic news! We now know that I can have kids, I just need a little surgery to move things along! I about lost it when the scheduling nurse called me Friday and told me I was scheduled for December 5th. I consider it a unique birthday present, since my birthday is the 9th. I have a long road ahead still, 6 weeks of recovery time, then another month after that of waiting to start trying again but come Valentines Day we are at all systems go! Its unreal that this is all happening. I am beside myself with excitement! So pray for a smooth surgery, and pray for a smooth recovery, I sure will! This Thanksgiving I will be thankful for so much, and hopefully next year at Thanksgiving I will be thankful for a beautiful baby :)
That's great news, Kayleigh! You will be in my prayers!
That's great news! Glad they figured it out!!
Fabulous news!! I pray everything goes well
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