Sunday, May 15, 2011

Classroom Dreams....

One day I hope to have a nice comfy classroom of my own....and while I am working towards that I am taking mental notes, taking pictures, and writing a list of my Teacher MUST HAVES .

For example these sweet babies, and Teachers best friend, when they are on there feet all day (oh and disclaimer.....I am not going to be an English or Grammar teacher, because I still struggle with the correct form of they're, there and their. So there.....)

Another little treat I desire is this bad boy.....Schools these days don't have die cut machines like they used to, to make fun bulletin boards, and displays, so I would like to have one of these puppies to help add the cute little touches I think makes a classroom more inviting :)

And lastly.....for now at least, If I could pull it off, I would love a workspace like this.....HA!

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